Using Mobile phone "LATE NIGHT"

                                  Do you use mobile phone for late night? if yes then be careful!
because using mobile phone for late night can harm you.before telling you about the harm of using mobile phone for late night, i want to tell you; what is our body mechanism for sleeping and wake up at morning.

                    As you know our body have evolved for million of years through the natural process of                     survival of the fittest, nature has fitted some great mechanism in our body, one of them is 
             NATURAL CLOCK we have in our own body. you must be thinking; what is natural clock?        what does it do? how does it works? let us know:-
                      Natural clock is nothing but our brains process of distinguish between day and night.and it works on simple mechanism of how our brain observe colors. In daytime blue light is scattered everywhere and our eyes observe it and our brain process it and tells us, this is day; time to work. but in evening the red light is scattered more and our brain tell us day is over and it's rest time
so how does mobile phones alter with our natural clock. let me tell you

                                      When we see our phone's screen it may  appear normal to naked eyes but in reality the screen is emitting the large amount of blue light which is observed by our eyes. and hence when we use mobile phone for late night the blue light is emitted and our brain process it as day and  we don't feel sleepy, and if it is continued for several days the key hormone for sleep called MELATONIN stops releasing and in that case we get only a little amount of sleep
                            And taking less sleep may cause many problems like: Depression, Obesity and in some cases it may also cause Cancer.
So, i want to recommend you, not  to use mobile phone before going to bed at least stop using mobile before 2 hours going to bed
                                         and using mobile phone for late night is important or you need to do some 
important work then you should turn on night mode in your phone or you can use different apps for this.
      At the end Thank you for reading, i wish you are not reading this late night. so,
                                  !! "HAVE A GOOD SLEEP" and GOOD NIGHT !!


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