Watching too much T.V is BAD for your health?

                                   BINGE WATCHING   

Does too much watching T.V is bad or we can say Binge watching watching is bad for your health.because with developing technology we and our kids are always infront of screens.
It is bad or not we will talk about it later but first let us know what are the effects of binge watching
                     Many of you were having a wild thought that we are subjected to harmful radiation while watching T.V but it was true only till 1967 not today but today also T.V gives out radiation but 
1000 times lesser.
                        I want to tell you that the normal rate at which a person blinks his/her eyes is 18 times per minute, but while watching continuously the rate drops and results in the red and tired eyes, but this is temporary

The problem is more dangerous when it occurs with kids, as in this age they need more physical work to develop their mind and body. staying inside for long can cause many problems like:
  MYOPIA   in this a person is unable to focus on long distance objects. this is due to staying inside for long and focusing on short distance objects,sun also play major role in health development.
                       Watching T.V for long, can also cause obesity and bad posture, because human body have evolved for thousand of years and it's made for endurance exercise, not for lying on couch for hours this can also cause bad posture. which may lead to many other health problems in future.


Studies have shown that watching T.V for more  than 20 hrs a week can lead to 40% less sperm production and watching T.V for long time before going bed leads to bad sleep abnormal digestion and other stomach related problems.if binge watching is continued for months then it may increase risk of many health problems like diabetes and cancer which may lead to we can say that binge watching can be cause for your death.                                                                                            
But this does not mean that you should quit watching T.V you still can have a better relation with your T.V if you watch it for only 2 hrs a day and avoid it while going to bed.

So, on end note i want o say "nothing is bad until used in proper way"

thanks for reading i will be back again with another interesting blog till then "STAY HEALTHY"


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